{ " : Next entry": " : Next entry", " : Previous entry": " : Previous entry", " : Validate": " : Validate", " Exact Match": " Exact Match", " Feedback Created ": " Feedback Created ", " Fuzzy Match": " Fuzzy Match", " Machine Translation (SYSTRAN)": " Machine Translation (SYSTRAN)", " changed from ": " changed from ", " deleted from ": " deleted from ", " has been updated by ": " has been updated by ", " on ": " on ", " set to ": " set to ", " to ": " to ", ". Updated ": ". Updated ", "10 seconds": "10 seconds", "120 seconds": "120 seconds", "30 seconds": "30 seconds", "5 seconds": "5 seconds", "60 seconds": "60 seconds", "Accepted Clock skew (ms)": "Accepted Clock skew (ms)", "Accounts Server URL": "Accounts Server URL", "Accounts Server password": "Accounts Server password", "Accounts Server settings": "Accounts Server settings", "Accounts Server user": "Accounts Server user", "Add files": "Add files", "Add to TM": "Add to TM", "Add to UD": "Add to UD", "Added by ": "Added by ", "Added to TM": "Added to TM", "Added to UD": "Added to UD", "Additional Comments": "Additional Comments", "Additionals": "Additional", "Administration": "Administration", "Administrator": "Administrator", "Administrator Id": "Administrator ID", "Administrator email address": "Administrator email address", "Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration", "All": "All", "Append sentences to a Translation Memory": "Append sentences to a Translation Memory", "Append to TM": "Append to TM", "Attribute consuming service index": "Attribute consuming service index", "Authentication": "Authentication", "Authentication Mode": "Authentication Mode", "Authentication context": "Authentication context", "Back to top": "Back to top", "Best regards,": "Best regards,", "Blocker": "Blocker", "CAS": "CAS", "CAS URL": "CAS URL", "CAS redirection host": "CAS redirection host", "Cancel": "Cancel", "Cancel upload": "Cancel upload", "Certificates": "Certificates", "Change Password": "Change Password", "Change your password": "Change your password", "Clean": "Clean", "Click on Start to install SYSTRAN Pure Neural® Server on your server.": "Click on Start to install SYSTRAN Pure Neural® Server on your server.", "Close": "Close", "Comments": "Comments", "Configuration": "Configuration", "Confirm your password": "Confirm your password", "Continue": "Continue", "Corpus": "Corpus", "Corpus Details": "Corpus Details", "Corpus Partition": "Corpus Partition", "Create Virtual Corpus": "Create Virtual Corpus", "Create a TM": "Create a TM", "Create a Translation Memory": "Create a Translation Memory", "Create a password": "Create a password", "Critical": "Critical", "Current Translation": "Current Translation", "Current password": "Current password", "Database": "Database", "Date": "Date", "Decryption/Encryption private key": "Decryption/Encryption private key", "Decryption/Encryption public key": "Decryption/Encryption public key", "Delete": "Delete", "Description": "Description", "Details": "Details", "Dictionary": "Dictionary", "Did you mean: ": "Did you mean: ", "Didn't receive the password reset email? Check your spam folder for an email from SYSTRAN. If you still don't see the email, try a different way to get into your account.": "Haven't received the password reset email yet? Check your spam folder for an email from SYSTRAN. If you still don't see the email, try a different way to get into your account.", "Disfluent": "Disfluent", "Do not request specific authentication context": "Do not request specific authentication context", "Do you agree to the above license terms ?": "Do you agree to the above license terms ?", "Download": "Download", "Download a TM": "Download a TM", "Download a Translation Memory": "Download a Translation Memory", "EULA_SYSTRAN_EnterpriseServer_EN.pdf": "EULA_SYSTRAN_EnterpriseServer_EN.pdf", "Edit": "Edit", "Email": "Email", "Email address": "Email address", "Email already used": "Email already used", "Email sent to %s": "Email sent to %s", "Entries": "Entries", "Error": "Error", "Error Description": "Error Description", "Feature not available": "Feature not available", "Feedback": "Feedback", "Feedback ": "Feedback ", "Feedback Updated": "Feedback Updated", "File Name : ": "Filename : ", "Filename": "Filename", "First Name": "First Name", "Flawless": "Flawless", "Force re-authentication": "Force re-authentication", "Forgot password?": "Forgot password?", "Format": "Format", "Good": "Good", "Group Permission": "Group Permission", "Group Permission Settings": "Group Permission Settings", "History": "History", "Host": "Host", "Hosts": "Hosts", "I agree": "I agree", "Identifier format": "Identifier format", "Identity provider entry point": "Identity provider entry point", "Identity provider signature public key": "Identity provider signature public key", "If clicking the link above doesn't work, please copy and paste the URL in a new browser window instead.": "If clicking the link above doesn't work, try copying and pasting the URL into a new browser window.", "If you've received this mail in error, it's likely that another user entered your email address by mistake while trying to reset a password. If you didn't initiate the request, you don't need to take any further action and can safely disregard this email.": "If you've received this mail in error, it's likely that another user entered your email address by mistake while trying to reset a password. If you didn't initiate the request, you don't need to take any further action and can safely disregard this email.", "Import Status": "Import Status", "Improve this translation": "Improve this translation", "Incomprehensible": "Incomprehensible", "Indexation Status": "Indexation Status", "Information": "Information", "Install": "Install", "Installation successful": "Installation successful", "Installer": "Installer", "Invalid user or password": "Invalid user or password", "Issuer": "Issuer", "LDAP": "LDAP", "LDAP URL": "LDAP URL", "LDAP mapping": "LDAP mapping", "LDAP search base": "LDAP search base", "LDAP search filter": "LDAP search filter", "Language": "Language", "Language Pair": "Language Pair", "Language Pair: ": "Language Pair: ", "Languages": "Languages", "Last Name": "Last Name", "License": "License", "License Administration": "License Administration", "License Agreement": "License Agreement", "License Error": "License Error", "Local": "Local", "Login": "Login", "Lookup": "Lookup", "Machine Translation": "Machine Translation", "Machine Translation (SYSTRAN)": "Machine Translation (SYSTRAN)", "Major": "Major", "Mapping": "Mapping", "Mapping of email": "Mapping of email", "Mapping of family name": "Mapping of family name", "Mapping of given name": "Mapping of given name", "Mapping of identifier": "Mapping of identifier", "Mark All as Read": "Mark All as Read", "Mark as unread": "Mark as unread", "Maximum number of admin users reached": "Maximum number of admin users reached", "Minor": "Minor", "Name": "Name", "Name identifier format": "Name identifier format", "Name identifier format for form authentication": "Name identifier format for form authentication", "Never": "Never", "New Filename": "New Filename", "Next": "Next", "Non-native": "Non-native", "Normal": "Normal", "Not available": "Not available", "Note: This email address cannot accept replies. To fix an issue or learn more about your account, contact our support team: %s": "Note: This email address cannot accept replies. To fix an issue or learn more about your account, contact our support team: %s", "Note: This email address cannot accept replies. To fix an issue or learn more about your account, visit contact our support team: ": "Note: This email address cannot accept replies. To fix an issue or learn more about your account, contact our support team: ", "Notifications": "Notifications", "Notifications - Feed": "Notifications - Feed", "Number of segments": "Number of segments", "Other Expressions": "Other Expressions", "Partition": "Partition", "Password": "Password", "Password Changed": "Password Changed", "Password for adminDN": "Password for adminDN", "Please check your licenses on": "Please check your licenses on", "Please sign in": "Please sign in", "Prev": "Prev", "Previous": "Previous", "Problem Severity": "Problem Severity", "Problem Severity: ": "Problem Severity: ", "Profile": "Profile", "Profile : ": "Profile: ", "Profile selection": "Profile selection", "Profile selection :": "Profile selection :", "Profile: ": "Profile: ", "Profiles": "Profiles", "Random Partition": "Random Partition", "Refresh": "Refresh", "Remember me": "Remember me", "Rename": "Rename", "Rename Corpus": "Rename Corpus", "Replica Set Name": "Replica Set Name", "Reset Password": "Reset Password", "Resources": "Resources", "Restore from files": "Restore from files", "Root": "Root", "SAML": "SAML", "SYSTRAN Feedback Management #": "SYSTRAN Feedback Management #", "SYSTRAN Pure Neural® Server": "SYSTRAN Pure Neural® Server", "SYSTRAN Pure Neural® Server Install": "SYSTRAN Pure Neural® Server Install", "SYSTRAN Reset Password": "SYSTRAN Reset Password", "SYSTRAN Translation": "SYSTRAN Translation", "SYSTRAN © 2018 All rights reserved": "SYSTRAN © 2018 All rights reserved", "Save": "Save", "Search": "Search", "Search attributes": "Search attributes", "Searching...": "Searching...", "Segments": "Segments", "Select groups": "Select groups", "Select users": "Select users", "Selection": "Selection", "Sentences from": "Sentences from", "Service signature private key": "Service signature private key", "Service signature public key": "Service signature public key", "ServiceName": "ServiceName", "Settings": "Settings", "Show difference": "Show difference", "Showing results for: ": "Showing results for: ", "Sign Out": "Sign Out", "Sign in": "Sign in", "Sign up": "Sign up", "Signature algorithm": "Signature algorithm", "Size": "Size", "Sorry, your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio.": "Sorry, your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio.", "Source": "Source", "Source Language": "Source Language", "Source Language : ": "Source Language: ", "Source MT:": "Source MT:", "Source Segment: ": "Source Segment: ", "Source Segments": "Source Segments", "Source Text": "Source Text", "Source Transcription": "Source Transcription", "Source: ": "Source: ", "Speaker": "Speaker", "Specify file type": "Specify file type", "Speech Translation Editor": "Speech Translation Editor", "Start": "Start", "Start upload": "Start upload", "Statistics": "Statistics", "Status": "Status", "Status: ": "Status: ", "Submit": "Submit", "Submit Feedback": "Submit Feedback", "Suggested Translation": "Suggested Translation", "Suggested Translation: ": "Suggested Translation: ", "TI": "TI", "TI Score : ": "TI Score : ", "TM Name": "TM Name", "Tags": "Tags", "Target": "Target", "Target Language : ": "Target Language: ", "Target Languages": "Target Languages", "Target MT:": "Target MT:", "Target Text": "Target Text", "Target: ": "Target: ", "Targets": "Targets", "The SYSTRAN Pure Neural® Server Team": "The SYSTRAN Pure Neural® Server Team", "This address is not valid anymore": "This address is not valid anymore", "To get back into your account, follow the instructions we've sent to your %s email address.": "To get back into your account, follow the instructions we've sent to your %s email address.", "To initiate the password reset process for your %s SYSTRAN Pure Neural® Server Account, click the link below:": "To initiate the password reset process for your %s SYSTRAN Pure Neural® Server Account, click the link below:", "To reset your password, enter the email address you use to sign in to SYSTRAN Pure Neural® Server.": "To reset your password, enter the email address you use to sign in to SYSTRAN Pure Neural® Server.", "Translatability Index": "Translatability Index", "Translated Segment: ": "Translated Segment: ", "Translation": "Translation", "Translation Memory": "Translation Memory", "Translation Memory Match": "Translation Memory Match", "Translation Rating": "Translation Rating", "Translation Rating: ": "Translation Rating: ", "Translation Tools": "Translation Tools", "Trivial": "Trivial", "Unable to reset password": "Unable to reset password", "Unable to update Feedback": "Unable to update Feedback", "Unable to update account": "Unable to update account", "Unable to update group": "Unable to update group", "Unable to update personal data": "Unable to update personal data", "Unable to update preferences": "Unable to update preferences", "Unable to update role": "Unable to update role", "Unable to update settings": "Unable to update settings", "Update Translation": "Update Translation", "Updated by ": "Updated by ", "Upload": "Upload", "Upload Corpus": "Upload Corpus", "Upload date": "Upload date", "Url": "Url", "Url: ": "Url: ", "Use Percentage": "Use Percentage", "Use form authentication after signout": "Use form authentication after signout", "Use replica set": "Use replica set", "User": "User", "User Data": "User Data", "User Permission": "User Permission", "User Permission Settings": "User Permission Settings", "Validate": "Validate", "Validate Selection Sentences": "Validate Selection Sentences", "Validated {{dateModif}}": "Validated {{dateModif}}", "View": "View", "View all": "View all", "Web Translation": "Web Translation", "Write your comment": "Write your comment", "You just created the feedback ": "You just created the feedback ", "Your account": "Your account", "Your current email address": "Your current email address", "Your personal info": "Personal info", "adminDN": "adminDN", "either sha1 or sha256": "either sha1 or sha256", "ex: /certificates/enc.cer": "ex: /certificates/enc.cer", "ex: /certificates/enc.key": "ex: /certificates/enc.key", "ex: /certificates/idp.cer": "ex: /certificates/idp.cer", "ex: /certificates/sig.cer": "ex: /certificates/sig.cer", "ex: /certificates/sig.key": "ex: /certificates/sig.key", "ex: 1": "ex: 1", "ex: 100": "ex: 100", "ex: empty, or urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress": "ex: empty, or urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress", "ex: familyName": "ex: lastName", "ex: givenName": "ex: firstName", "ex: https://yourIdpServer.com/adfs/ls/": "ex: https://yourIdpServer.com/adfs/ls/", "ex: https://yourSesServer.com:3443": "ex: https://yourSesServer.com:3443", "ex: name@domain.org": "ex: name@domain.org", "ex: urn:federation:authentication:windows": "ex: urn:federation:authentication:windows", "ex: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:Password": "ex: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:Password", "ex: userPrincipalName": "ex: userPrincipalName", "host1:port1,host2:port2, ...": "host1:port1,host2:port2, ...", "host:port": "host:port", "tmx": "tmx", "txt": "txt", "% of Success": "% of Success", "10px": "10px", "11px": "11px", "12px": "12px", "13px": "13px", "14px": "14px", "16px": "16px", "18px": "18px", "20px": "20px", "24px": "24px", "Accepted Clock skew": "Accepted Clock skew", "Accounts Server access: password": "Accounts Server access: password", "Accounts Server access: user": "Accounts Server access: user", "Acronym": "Acronym", "Activation of the \"Enforce Password History\" mechanism": "Activation of the \"Enforce Password History\" mechanism", "Activation of the \"Remember Me\" mechanism": "Activation of the \"Remember Me\" mechanism", "Activation of the \"Reset Password\" mechanism": "Activation of the \"Reset Password\" mechanism", "Activation of the \"Trust Proxy\" mechanism": "Activation of the \"Trust Proxy\" mechanism", "Activation of the HTTPS service": "Activation of the HTTPS service", "Add User": "Add User", "Added": "Added", "Adjective": "Adjective", "Adverb": "Adverb", "Alternatives:": "Alternatives:", "Append an entry to a Dictionary": "Append an entry to a Dictionary", "Append the sentence to a Translation Memory": "Append the sentence to a Translation Memory", "Arabic": "Arabic", "Authentication mode": "Authentication mode", "Authentication settings": "Authentication settings", "Auto": "Auto", "Avg Elapsed Time (ms)": "Avg Elapsed Time (ms)", "Avg Nb of Characters": "Avg Nb of Characters", "Avg Nb of Tokens": "Avg Nb of Tokens", "Back to List mode": "Back to List mode", "Brute force attack prevention settings": "Brute force attack prevention settings", "CAS settings": "CAS settings", "CSLI Languages Pairs": "CSLI Language Pairs", "Chinese (simplified)": "Chinese (simplified)", "Chinese (traditional)": "Chinese (traditional)", "Click on Start to install Systran Enterprise Server on your server.": "Click on Start to install Systran Enterprise Server on your server.", "Comment": "Comment", "Concordance": "Concordance", "Conjunction": "Conjunction", "Console settings": "Console settings", "Cookies settings": "Cookies settings", "Copy": "Copy", "Corpus & Translation memory": "Corpus & Translation memory", "CorpusManager settings": "Corpus Manager settings", "Create a user": "Create a user", "Current Filter": "Current Filter", "Cut": "Cut", "Database settings": "Database settings", "Deactivation of the cache setting on the HTTP response": "Deactivation of the cache setting on the HTTP response", "Default groups for new users": "Default groups for new users", "Default roles for new users": "Default roles for new users", "Detailed view": "Detailed view", "Dictionaries settings": "Dictionary settings", "Disable profile without instances": "Disable profile without instances", "Disk Setting": "Disk Setting", "Do not translate": "Do not translate", "Domain": "Domain", "Download Timeout": "Download Timeout", "Duration": "Duration", "Dutch": "Dutch", "Elapsed Time (ms)": "Elapsed Time (ms)", "Enable Anonymous User by Session": "Enable Anonymous User by Session", "Enabled": "Enabled", "End date": "End date", "English": "English", "Enter a new password for %s.": "Enter a new password for %s.", "Entity Rule": "Entity Rule", "Expected output format for \"pdf\" files": "Expected output format for \"pdf\" files", "Export": "Export", "Export statistics": "Export statistics", "Expression": "Expression", "Extension white list": "Extension white list", "Feedback Description": "Feedback Description", "Feedback Manager settings": "Feedback Manager settings", "File": "File", "File to translate": "File to translate", "File upload settings": "File upload settings", "FileTranslation settings": "File Translation settings", "Files": "Files", "Find": "Find", "Find Next": "Find Next", "Find Previous": "Find Previous", "Find...": "Find...", "Finnish": "Finnish", "Font Size": "Font Size", "Forbid access if server is down": "Forbid access if server is down", "Forbidden field": "Forbidden field", "French": "French", "From field in the email sent to reset a password": "From field in the email sent to reset a password", "GDict settings": "GDict settings", "German": "German", "Global view": "Global view", "Go to End": "Go to End", "Go to Start": "Go to Start", "Goto": "Go to", "Goto Line...": "Go to Line...", "Greek": "Greek", "Groups": "Groups", "HTTP port": "HTTP port", "HTTP public URL": "HTTP public URL", "HTTPS certificate": "HTTPS certificate", "HTTPS port": "HTTPS port", "HTTPS private key": "HTTPS private key", "HTTPS public URL": "HTTPS public URL", "HTTPS settings": "HTTPS settings", "High": "High", "High Over Expressions": "High Over Expressions", "High Over Rules & Expressions": "High Over Rules & Expressions", "Hostname of the server": "Server Hostname", "Http Header Mapping": "Http Header Mapping", "Http Header settings": "Http Header settings", "Id": "Id", "Inactive": "Inactive", "Italian": "Italian", "Key origins": "Key origins", "Key type": "Key type", "Korean": "Korean", "LDAP settings": "LDAP settings", "Language pairs": "Language pairs", "Limit character size": "Limit character size", "List of hosts": "List of hosts", "Lithuanian": "Lithuanian", "Load average metric": "Load average metric", "Load threshold": "Load threshold", "Loading...": "Loading...", "Localization": "Localization", "Localization languages": "Localization languages", "Log level": "Log level", "Log settings": "Log settings", "Main settings": "Main settings", "Manage TM": "Manage TM", "Manual choice only": "Manual choice only", "Mapping of groups": "Mapping of groups", "Max-Age": "Max-Age", "Maximum Memory Per Instance": "Maximum Memory Per Instance", "Maximum Number of Instances": "Maximum Number of Instances", "Memory threshold": "Memory threshold", "Mime Type": "Mime Type", "Minimum Disk": "Minimum Disk", "Minimum memory ratio": "Minimum memory ratio", "Nb of Characters": "Nb of Characters", "Nb of Requests": "Nb of Requests", "Nb of Tokens": "Nb of Tokens", "Nb of Tus": "Nb of TUs", "Nb of failed Tus": "Nb of failed TUs", "Node Host": "Node Host", "Noun": "Noun", "Number of entries": "Number of entries", "Number of worker processes": "Number of worker processes", "Offer name": "Offer name", "On Environments": "On Environments", "Only if not exists (NFW)": "Only if not exists (NFW)", "Only the first 60 000 entries will be exported.": "Only the first 60 000 entries will be exported.", "Operation": "Operation", "Part of Speech": "Part of Speech", "Paste": "Paste", "Path of the CSLI config_default_options.cfg file": "Path of the CSLI config_default_options.cfg file", "Path of the CSLI configuration.template file": "Path of the CSLI configuration.template file", "Path of the CSLI description.cfg file": "Path of the CSLI description.cfg file", "Path of the CSLI postconfig script": "Path of the CSLI postconfig script", "Path of the CSLI run script": "Path of the CSLI run script", "Path of the CSLI run.cfg file": "Path of the CSLI run.cfg file", "Path of the configuration.template file": "Path of the configuration.template file", "Path of the description.cfg file": "Path of the description.cfg file", "Path of the postconfig script": "Path of the postconfig script", "Path of the run script": "Path of the run script", "Path of the run.cfg file": "Path of the run.cfg file", "Path of the workspace directory": "Path of the workspace directory", "Plain text (no formatting)": "Plain text (no formatting)", "Platform settings": "Platform settings", "Polish": "Polish", "Poller settings": "Poller settings", "Polling interval": "Polling interval", "Pool size": "Pool size", "Portuguese": "Portuguese", "Preposition": "Preposition", "Priority": "Priority", "Proceed": "Proceed", "Profile Id": "Profile ID", "Proper Noun": "Proper Noun", "Public URLs": "Public URLs", "Queue URL": "Queue URL", "Queue URL management": "Queue URL management", "Queue settings": "Queue settings", "Redis authentication password": "Redis authentication password", "Redis server hostname": "Redis server hostname", "Redis server port": "Redis server port", "Redis settings": "Redis settings", "Redo": "Redo", "Replace...": "Replace...", "Replica set": "Replica set", "Report": "Report", "Request size": "Request size", "Required Fields": "Required Fields", "Reset password settings": "Reset password settings", "Reset your password": "Reset your password", "Reviewer": "Reviewer", "Roles": "Roles", "Romanian": "Romanian", "Rule": "Rule", "Russian": "Russian", "SAML Mapping": "SAML Mapping", "SAML settings": "SAML settings", "SDictLookup settings": "SDictLookup settings", "SSL Options": "SSL Options", "SYSTRAN Enterprise Server": "SYSTRAN Enterprise Server", "SYSTRAN Enterprise Server Install": "SYSTRAN Enterprise Server Install", "Scaling settings": "Scaling settings", "Security settings": "Security settings", "Select All": "Select All", "Send Notification Email to Submitter": "Send Notification Email to Submitter", "Sender Email": "Sender Email", "Show Invisible": "Show Invisible", "Show only \"Added to TM\"": "Show only \"Added to TM\"", "Show only \"Added to UD\"": "Show only \"Added to UD\"", "Sign Up": "Sign Up", "Sign out URL": "Sign out URL", "Source Entry": "Source Entry", "Source Sentence": "Source Sentence", "Source Sentence: ": "Source Sentence: ", "Source file": "Source file", "Spanish": "Spanish", "Speech Recognition settings": "Speech Recognition settings", "Start date": "Start date", "Stylesheet": "Stylesheet", "Submitter": "Submitter", "Success": "Success", "Supported Formats": "Supported Formats", "Supported Languages": "Supported Languages", "Target Entry": "Target Entry", "Target Sentence": "Target Sentence", "Target file": "Target file", "Terminology:": "Terminology:", "The SYSTRAN Enterprise Server Team": "The SYSTRAN Enterprise Server Team", "Time To Live": "Time To Live", "Timeout": "Timeout", "Timeout request in translate box": "Timeout request in translate box", "To initiate the password reset process for your %s SYSTRAN Enterprise Server Account, click the link below:": "To initiate the password reset process for your %s SYSTRAN Enterprise Server Account, click the link below:", "To reset your password, enter the email address you use to sign in to SYSTRAN Enterprise Server.": "To reset your password, enter the email address you use to sign in to SYSTRAN Enterprise Server.", "Translate Box": "Translate Box", "Translated Sentence: ": "Translated Sentence: ", "Translation Choice": "Translation Choice", "Translation Editor": "Translation Editor", "Translation Profile settings": "Translation Profile settings", "Translation Resource Manager settings": "Translation Resource Manager settings", "Trial API key settings": "Trial API key settings", "Trial offer settings": "Trial offer settings", "Turkish": "Turkish", "URL": "URL", "Undo": "Undo", "Unknown": "Unknown", "Updated At": "Updated At", "Usage Server settings": "Usage Server settings", "User Id": "User ID", "User Login": "User Login", "User Password": "User Password", "User agent": "User agent", "User created": "User created", "Users": "Users", "Users settings": "Users settings", "Validate Current Filter Sentences": "Validate Current Filter Sentences", "Validity period of the link sent by email to reset a password": "Validity period of the link sent by email to reset a password", "Value of the timeout to detect that a worker process is unreachable": "Value of the timeout to detect that a worker process is unreachable", "Verb": "Verb", "View in context": "View in context", "Warning!": "Warning!", "You can now sign in with your new password.": "You can now sign in with your new password.", "ar": "ar", "database": "database", "freeRetries": "freeRetries", "heartbeat": "heartbeat", "host": "host", "hostname": "hostname", "lifetime": "lifetime", "maxWait": "maxWait", "minWait": "minWait", "password": "password", "port": "port", "ssl": "ssl", "sslCA": "sslCA", "sslCert": "sslCert", "sslKey": "sslKey", "sslValidate": "sslValidate", "threshold": "threshold", "user": "user", "SYSTRAN © 2017 All rights reserved": "SYSTRAN © 2017 All rights reserved", "Add": "Add", "Add Target": "Add Target", "Add a new Segment": "Add a new Segment", "Added At": "Added At", "All (Read, Rename, and Delete )": "All (Read, Rename, and Delete )", "All (Read, Write and Delete )": "All (Read, Write and Delete )", "Append": "Append", "Append Corpus": "Append Corpus", "Append new Segments": "Append new Segments", "Delete Selected Segments": "Delete Selected Segments", "Delete Target": "Delete Target", "Dictionaries": "Dictionaries", "Disable": "Disable", "Engine Id": "Engine ID", "Engine Name": "Engine Name", "Engines": "Engines", "Entity Rules": "Entity Rules", "Global Permission Settings": "Global Permission Settings", "Global Save": "Global Save", "Name :": "Name :", "New Name": "New Name", "Normalizations": "Normalizations", "Note: This email address cannot accept replies. To fix an issue or learn more about your account, visit contact our support team: %s": "Note: This email address cannot accept replies. To fix an issue or learn more about your account, contact our support team: %s", "OK": "OK", "Permission": "Permission", "Read": "Read", "Read Only": "Read Only", "Rename an Engine": "Rename an Engine", "Resources > Concordance": "Resources > Concordance", "Resources > Dictionaries": "Resources > Dictionaries", "Resources > Engines": "Resources > Engines", "Resources > Entity Rules": "Resources > Entity Rules", "Resources > Normalizations": "Resources > Normalizations", "Resources > Stylesheets": "Resources > Stylesheets", "Resources > Translation Choices": "Resources > Translation Choices", "Resources > Translation Memories": "Resources > Translation Memories", "Select All Groups": "Select All Groups", "Select All Users": "Select All Users", "Show only latest version": "Show only latest version", "Source :": "Source :", "Source Segment": "Source Segment", "Stylesheets": "Stylesheets", "Target : ": "Target : ", "Target Segment": "Target Segment", "Target Segment: ": "Target Segment: ", "Translation Choices": "Translation Choices", "Translation Memories": "Translation Memories", "User Permission Settings": "User Permission Settings", "User Name": "User Name", "Write (and Read)": "Write (and Read)", " (Optional)": " (Optional)", "1st Person": "1st Person", "1st person plural gender": "1st person plural gender", "1st person singular gender": "1st person singular gender", "2nd Person": "2nd Person", "2nd person gender": "2nd person gender", "2nd person polite/informal": "2nd person polite/informal", "API Keys": "API Keys", "Abstract": "Abstract", "Accept requests from an Android application with one of these package names": "Accept requests from an Android application with one of these package names", "Accept requests from an iOS application with one of these bundle identifiers": "Accept requests from an iOS application with one of these bundle identifiers", "Accept requests from these HTTP referrers (web sites)": "Accept requests from these HTTP referrers (web sites)", "Accept requests from these server IP addresses": "Accept requests from these server IP addresses", "Access Permissions": "Access Permissions", "Account": "Account", "Acronym detection": "Acronym detection", "Action": "Action", "Actions": "Actions", "Activate": "Activate", "Activate / Deactivate All routes for this TR": "Activate / Deactivate All routes for this TR", "Activate / Deactivate all routes": "Activate / Deactivate all routes", "Activate by phone": "Activate by phone", "Activate/Deactivate the current profile": "Activate/Deactivate the current profile", "Activated": "Activated", "Activation Code": "Activation Code", "Activation Mode": "Activation Mode", "Active Profile Name": "Active Profile Name", "Active Profiles": "Active Profiles", "Add Group": "Add Group", "Add Product Key": "Add Product Key", "Add Role": "Add Role", "Add a Profile": "Add a Profile", "Add a Route": "Add a Route", "Add a product key": "Add a product key", "Add another Option": "Add another Option", "All accounts": "All accounts", "American English": "American English", "Android": "Android", "Apply": "Apply", "Architecture": "Architecture", "Are you sure to want to migrate all route to the new format ? (profileId will be converted to UUID, add user and group permissions) ": "Are you sure you want to migrate all routes to the new format? (profileId will be converted to UUID, add user and group permissions) ", "Auto detection": "Auto detection", "Available Disk": "Available Disk", "Available Memory": "Available Memory", "Brazilian Portuguese": "Brazilian Portuguese", "British English": "British English", "Broker": "Broker", "Broker Hostname": "Broker Hostname", "Browser": "Browser", "Buffers Memory": "Buffers Memory", "Cached Memory": "Cached Memory", "Castilian": "Castilian", "Category": "Category", "Chinese": "Chinese", "Chinese/Japanese/Korean": "Chinese/Japanese/Korean", "Choose a language pair": "Choose a language pair", "Computing Node Hostname": "Computing Node Hostname", "Computing Node status not up to date": "Computing Node status not up to date", "Computing Nodes": "Computing Nodes", "Configure Active Profile": "Configure Active Profile", "Confirm the password": "Confirm the password", "Consumers": "Consumers", "Convergence State": "Convergence State", "Convert Hijri dates": "Convert Hijri dates", "Copy Active Profile": "Copy Active Profile", "Copy the current profile": "Copy the current profile", "Cores Limit": "Cores Limit", "Correspondence": "Correspondence", "Country Localization": "Country Localization", "Create": "Create", "Create a group": "Create a group", "Create a new API key": "Create a new API key", "Create a new pivot profile": "Create a new pivot profile", "Create a role": "Create a role", "Create an API key": "Create an API key", "Create an Active Profile": "Create an Active Profile", "Create an user": "Create a user", "Create new Profile": "Create new Profile", "Current Status": "Current Status", "Customer Type": "Customer Type", "De-register": "deregister", "Deactivate": "Deactivate", "Deactivated": "Deactivated", "Default": "Default", "Delete Cache": "Delete Cache", "Delete Option": "Delete Option", "Delete the current profile": "Delete the current profile", "Dependencies": "Dependencies", "Detection of foreign language sentence from NFW words": "Detection of foreign language sentence from NFW words", "Dispatcher": "Dispatcher", "Dispatcher Hostname": "Dispatcher Hostname", "Distribution": "Distribution", "Do Not Translate Options": "Do Not Translate Options", "Do Not Translate addresses": "Do Not Translate addresses", "Do Not Translate capitalized words": "Do Not Translate capitalized words", "Do Not Translate font list": "Do Not Translate font list", "Do Not Translate style list": "Do Not Translate style list", "Do you want to create a pivot profile?": "Do you want to create a pivot profile?", "Document type": "Document type", "Downgrade": "Downgrade", "Downgrade a Translation Resource": "Downgrade a Translation Resource", "Edit target": "Edit target", "Edit your API key": "Edit your API key", "Edit your email": "Edit your email", "Edit your family name": "Edit your last name", "Edit your given name": "Edit your first name", "Edit your middle name": "Edit your middle name", "Edition": "Edition", "Enable": "Enable", "Enable Domain detection": "Enable Domain detection", "Engine": "Engine", "Enter a service name": "Enter a service name", "Entity rules": "Entity rules", "Environment": "Environment", "European Portuguese": "European Portuguese", "Example: 45:B5:E4:6F:36:AD:0A:98:94:B4:02:66:2B:12:17:F2:56:26:A0:E0;com.example": "Example: 45:B5:E4:6F:36:AD:0A:98:94:B4:02:66:2B:12:17:F2:56:26:A0:E0;com.example", "Expected Status": "Expected Status", "Expiration": "Expiration", "Expires At": "Expires At", "Failed to get Computing Node status": "Failed to get Computing Node status", "Family Name": "Last Name", "Female": "Female", "File Translation": "File Translation", "Filter": "Filter", "Filter Options": "Filter Options", "Flexible": "Flexible", "Flow Dependencies": "Flow Dependencies", "Foreign sentence detection based on NFW count": "Foreign sentence detection based on NFW count", "Foreign sentence detection by Office language markup": "Foreign sentence detection by Office language markup", "Formatting": "Formatting", "Free Disk": "Free Disk", "Free Memory": "Free Memory", "French/German/Italian/Spanish/Portuguese": "French/German/Italian/Spanish/Portuguese", "From ID": "From ID", "Given Name": "First Name", "Global entity recognition": "Global entity recognition", "Group ID": "Group ID", "Groups Roles": "Groups Roles", "Help": "Help", "Hostname": "Hostname", "Imperative": "Imperative", "Import": "Import", "Import All": "Import All", "Infinitive": "Infinitive", "Informal": "Informal", "Inserted At": "Inserted At", "Install on this node": "Install on this node", "Install output": "Install output", "Install this translation resource": "Install this translation resource", "Installation Id": "Installation Id", "Installation Id copied to clipboard": "Installation Id copied to clipboard", "Installed Dependencies": "Installed Dependencies", "Instances": "Instances", "Instances Requested": "Instances Requested", "Internal": "Internal", "International Spanish": "International Spanish", "Invalid license": "Invalid license", "Is Hosted": "Is Hosted", "Items": "Items", "Journalism": "Journalism", "Keep spaces": "Keep spaces", "Key": "Key", "License activated": "License activated", "License expired": "License expired", "License not yet activated": "License not yet activated", "Licenses": "Licenses", "Limits": "Limits", "Line Feed definition": "Line Feed definition", "Linguistic Options": "Linguistic Options", "List": "List", "Load Average": "Load Average", "Localization Language": "Localization Language", "Localize punctuation": "Localize punctuation", "Male": "Male", "Management": "Management", "Memory": "Memory", "Messages": "Messages", "Messages Ready": "Messages Ready", "Messages Unacknowledged": "Messages Unacknowledged", "Middle Name": "Middle Name", "Migrate": "Migrate", "Migrate all": "Migrate all", "Migrate the old profile to the new ": "Migrate the old profile to the new ", "Monitoring": "Service Monitoring", "More Options": "More Options", "Named entity recognition": "Named entity recognition", "New Profile": "New Profile", "No detection of foreign language sentence from NFW words": "No detection of foreign language sentence from NFW words", "No selectors": "No selectors", "None": "None", "Not Found Word transliteration": "Not Found Word transliteration", "Not Wrapped": "Not Wrapped", "Not found": "Not found", "Not wrapped": "Not wrapped", "Notification Level": "Notification Level", "Number of Instances": "Number of Instances", "Number of Instances Requested": "Number of Instances Requested", "Number of Source Segments": "Number of Source Segments", "Number of Source Segments per language": "Number of Source Segments per language", "Number of cores": "Number of cores", "Number of instances": "Number of instances", "Number of restart": "Number of restart", "Offline Activation": "Offline Activation", "One IP address per line. Example:": "One IP address per line. Example:", "One SHA1 certificate fingerprint and package name (separated by a semicolon) per line.": "One SHA1 certificate fingerprint and package name (separated by a semicolon) per line.", "One URL per line. Example: example.com": "One URL per line. Example: example.com", "One bundle identifier per line. Example: com.example.MyApp": "One bundle identifier per line. Example: com.example.MyApp", "Online Activation": "Online Activation", "Operating system": "Operating system", "Option configuration!": "Option configuration!", "Option deactivated": "Option deactivated", "Options": "Options", "Or if you leave this blank, requests will be accepted from any Android application. Be sure to add SHA1 certificates before using this key in production.": "Or if you leave this blank, requests will be accepted from any Android application. Be sure to add SHA1 certificates before using this key in production.", "Or if you leave this blank, requests will be accepted from any address. Be sure to add IP addresses before using this key in production.": "Or if you leave this blank, requests will be accepted from any address. Be sure to add IP addresses before using this key in production.", "Or if you leave this blank, requests will be accepted from any iOS application. Be sure to add bundle identifiers before using this key in production.": "Or if you leave this blank, requests will be accepted from any iOS application. Be sure to add bundle identifiers before using this key in production.", "Or if you leave this blank, requests will be accepted from any referrer. Be sure to add referrers before using this key in production.": "Or if you leave this blank, requests will be accepted from any referrer. Be sure to add referrers before using this key in production.", "Origins": "Origins", "Owner": "Owner", "Package Dependencies": "Package Dependencies", "Permissions": "Permissions", "Permissions access": "Permissions access", "Personal Data": "Personal Data", "Phone Activation": "Phone Activation", "Pid": "Pid", "Pivot Profile": "Pivot Profile", "Plural": "Plural", "Polite": "Polite", "PostConfig output": "PostConfig output", "Preferences": "Preferences", "Preferred Source Language": "Preferred Source Language", "Preferred Target Language": "Preferred Target Language", "Preserve textual formatting": "Preserve textual formatting", "Private": "Private", "Product": "Product", "Product Key": "Product Key", "Profile Editing": "Profile Editing", "Profile Name": "Profile Name", "Profile Package": "Profile Package", "ProfileName": "ProfileName", "Pronouns": "Pronouns", "Properties": "Properties", "Provider": "Provider", "Public": "Public", "Public access": "Public access", "Queue": "Queue", "Queue Name": "Queue Name", "Queues": "Queues", "Re-import": "Re-import", "Re-install on this node": "Re-install on this node", "Register": "Register", "Register a Computing Node": "Register a Computing Node", "Register the Broker": "Register the Broker", "Register the Routing Server": "Register the Routing Server", "Rename a Profile": "Rename a Profile", "Rendering": "Rendering", "Role": "Role", "Routes": "Routes", "Routes Dependencies": "Routes Dependencies", "Routing Server": "Routing Server", "Routing Server Hostname": "Routing Server Hostname", "Runnable": "Runnable", "Save Limits": "Save Limits", "Secret Answer": "Secret Answer", "Secret Question": "Secret Question", "Segmentation character list": "Segmentation character list", "Segmenting spaces": "Segmenting spaces", "Select": "Select", "Select a Profile": "Select a Profile", "Select an Engine": "Select an Engine", "Select pair of appropriate profiles": "Select pair of appropriate profiles", "Select permissions": "Select permissions", "Select roles": "Select roles", "Select the profile to overwrite": "Select the profile to overwrite", "Selection Results": "Selection Results", "Selectors": "Selectors", "Separate translation of sentence between quotation marks": "Separate translation of sentences between quotation marks", "Server": "Server", "Service": "Service", "Service Name": "Service Name", "Service name": "Service name", "Services": "Services", "Services Monitoring": "Services Monitoring", "Set Localization Language": "Set Localization Language", "Set Notification Level": "Set Notification Level", "Set Source Language": "Set Source Language", "Set Target Language": "Set Target Language", "Show only \"Active\" Apikey": "Show only \"Active\" Apikey", "Show only \"Master\" TRs": "Show only \"Master\" TRs", "Show only last version": "Show only last version", "Show only runnable TRs": "Show only runnable TRs", "Simplified Chinese": "Simplified Chinese", "Singular": "Singular", "Some options below are not active by default, you can activate and modify them by using \"Unlock\" buttons. Note that, these current values are used as examples but NOT as default value!": "Some options below are not active by default, you can activate and modify them by using the \"Unlock\" buttons. Please note that the current values displayed are examples rather than default values.", "Source Analysis": "Source Analysis", "Source spellcheck": "Source spellcheck", "Speech Translation": "Speech Translation", "Strict": "Strict", "Style Parameters": "Style Parameters", "Stylesheet file name": "Stylesheet filename", "Systran Translation Dispatcher": "Systran Translation Dispatcher", "TM Match Threshold": "TM Match Threshold", "Target Language": "Target Language", "Techno": "Techno", "Techno type": "Techno type", "Technology": "Technology", "Technology Name": "Technology Name", "Technology type": "Technology type", "Text Translation": "Text Translation", "This table contains the selected profiles from above table. That represents steps for the new pivot profile": "This table contains the selected profiles from the above table representing the steps for the new pivot profile", "This value should be in the range of": "This value should be in the range of", "This value should be in the range of [0, 10]": "This value should be in the range of [0, 10]", "Threshold value should be in the range of [0, 100]": "Threshold value should be in the range of [0, 100]", "To": "To", "Total Disk": "Total Disk", "Total Memory": "Total Memory", "Traditional Chinese": "Traditional Chinese", "Translation Choice Files": "Translation Choice Files", "Translation Choices (homographs)": "Translation Choices (homographs)", "Translation Memory Files": "Translation Memory Files", "Translation Memory match": "Translation Memory match", "Translation Resource": "Translation Resource", "Translation Resource Store": "Translation Resource Store", "Translation Resources": "Translation Resources", "Translation resource id": "Translation resource id", "Type": "Type", "Unable to save localized string": "Unable to save localized string", "Unconfigure output": "Unconfigure output", "Uninstall": "Uninstall", "Uninstall from this node": "Uninstall from this node", "Uninstall output": "Uninstall output", "Upgrade": "Upgrade", "Upgrade All": "Upgrade All", "Upgrade a Translation Resource": "Upgrade a Translation Resource", "Upgrade implicitly all filtered translation resources to their latest version.": "Upgrade implicitly all filtered translation resources to their latest version.", "Uptime": "Uptime", "Usage": "Usage", "Use singular or plural for 2nd person": "Use singular or plural for 2nd person", "User Guide": "User Guide", "User Provider": "User Provider", "User Roles": "User Roles", "Version": "Version", "Versions": "Versions", "Wrapped": "Wrapped", "domain": "domain", "false": "false", "iOS": "iOS", "key": "key", "service name": "service name", "true": "true", "value": "value", "%s available": "%s available", "%s high watermark": "%s high watermark", "%s low watermark": "%s low watermark", "Auto Translation": "Auto Translation", "Auto-Detect": "Auto-Detect", "Available": "Available", "Bits": "Bits", "Bytes in": "Bytes in", "Bytes left before SYNCing is complete": "Bytes left before SYNCing is complete", "Bytes out": "Bytes out", "CPU": "CPU", "Channels": "Channels", "Choose translation setting and click on \"%s\" to select the files to translate. Once translation finished, click on the download button to retrieve your translated file.": "Choose translation setting and click on \"%s\" to select the files to translate. Once the translation finishes, click on the download button to retrieve your translated file.", "Clear text": "Clear text", "Cluster name": "Cluster name", "Computing Node": "Computing Node", "Connected Slaves": "Connected Slaves", "Connected clients": "Connected clients", "Connections": "Connections", "Copy html": "Copy html", "Copy text": "Copy text", "Create a translation bookmarklet !": "Create a translation bookmarklet!", "Current": "Current", "Dictionary Search on Words": "Dictionary Search on Words", "Disk space": "Disk space", "Drag the Button link below to your Bookmarks Toolbar.": "Drag the Button link below to your Bookmarks Toolbar.", "Drag the browser button link into the Bookmarks Toolbar.": "Drag the browser button link into the Bookmarks Toolbar.", "Erlang process": "Erlang process", "Exchanges": "Exchanges", "File descriptors": "File descriptors", "Fragmentation ratio": "Fragmentation ratio", "Get a Bookmarklet": "Get a Bookmarklet", "Global counts": "Global counts", "Highlight Not Found Words": "Highlight Not Found Words", "Highlight Sentences": "Highlight Sentences", "Highlight Translation Memory Match": "Highlight Translation Memory Match", "Highlight User Dictionary Match": "Highlight User Dictionary Match", "Highlight Words": "Highlight Words", "Import Profile": "Import Profile", "Invalid version": "Invalid version", "Is master": "Is master", "Last Successful Update": "Last Successful Update", "Last Update": "Last Update", "Local time": "Local time", "Main components": "Main components", "Mapped": "Mapped", "Mapped with journal": "Mapped with journal", "Master host": "Master host", "Master link status": "Master link status", "Master port": "Master port", "Me": "Me", "Memory used by the Lua engine": "Memory used by the Lua engine", "Mode": "Mode", "MongoDB": "MongoDB", "MongoDb": "MongoDb", "More details on the RabbitMQ Management page: %s": "More details on the RabbitMQ Management page: %s", "Network": "Network", "No replica set configured": "No replica set configured", "Nodes": "Nodes", "Number of requests": "Number of requests", "Ok": "Ok", "Original": "Original", "Peak memory consumed": "Peak memory consumed", "Primary": "Primary", "Process": "Process", "Queued messages": "Queued messages", "RabbitMQ": "RabbitMQ", "RabbitMQ version": "RabbitMQ version", "Ready": "Ready", "Redis": "Redis", "Register a Dispatcher": "Register a Dispatcher", "Replica Set": "Replica Set", "Replication": "Replication", "Resident": "Resident", "Running": "Running", "Secondary": "Secondary", "Select a profile": "Select a profile", "Select a text while visiting a page then click the bookmarklet. The selected text will be translated.": "Select a text while visiting a page then click the bookmarklet. The selected text will be translated.", "Sockets descriptors": "Socket descriptors", "Speak": "Speak", "Supported": "Supported", "System CPU consumed": "System CPU consumed", "System CPU consumed by the background processes": "System CPU consumed by the background processes", "Text Translation Options": "Text Translation Options", "The master is SYNCing to the slave": "The master is SYNCing to the slave", "The status is not up to date": "The status is not up to date", "Time since last transfer I/O during a SYNC operation": "Time since last transfer I/O during a SYNC operation", "Time since the last interaction with master": "Time since the last interaction with the master", "Time since the link is down": "Time since the link has been down", "Total": "Total", "Total created": "Total created", "Translate": "Translate", "Translating ...": "Translating ...", "Type or paste the URL of the website you would like to translate": "Type or paste the URL of the website you would like to translate", "Unacknowledged": "Unacknowledged", "Upload Audio Files": "Upload Audio Files", "Upload Files": "Upload Files", "Upload files to translate": "Upload files to translate", "Uptime estimate": "Uptime estimate", "Uptime milliseconds": "Uptime milliseconds", "Used memory": "Used memory", "Used memory RSS": "Used memory RSS", "User CPU consumed": "User CPU consumed", "User CPU consumed by the background processes": "User CPU consumed by the background processes", "Virtual": "Virtual", "Visit any page then click the bookmarklet. The page will be translated.": "Visit any page and then click the bookmarklet. The page will be translated.", "Want to translate any page in one click from your browser bookmarks toolbar ?": "Want to translate any page in one click from your browser bookmarks toolbar?", "Profiles > Concordance": "Profiles > Concordance", "Profiles > Dictionaries": "Profiles > Dictionaries", "Profiles > Engines": "Profiles > Engines", "Profiles > Entity Rules": "Profiles > Entity Rules", "Profiles > Normalizations": "Profiles > Normalizations", "Profiles > Stylesheets": "Profiles > Stylesheets", "Profiles > Translation Choices": "Profiles > Translation Choices", "Profiles > Translation Memories": "Profiles > Translation Memories", "Activity": "Activity", "Detailed statistics": "Detailed statistics", "Global statistics": "Global statistics", "Profiles Management": "Profiles Management", "Resources Management": "Resources Management", " and enter your ": " and enter your ", " to activate it.": " to activate it.", " to sign up for an account and start receiving the latest updates.": " to sign up for an account and start receiving the latest updates.", "% of Error": "% of Error", "%(size)s %(unit)s": "%(size)s %(unit)s", "About SYSTRAN": "About SYSTRAN", "Account %s added": "Account %s added", "Account Id": "Account ID", "Activate this option": "Activate this option", "Active": "Active", "Active Profile type": "Active Profile type", "Add Operations": "Add Operations", "Add a Default Route": "Add a Default Route", "Add a Public Route": "Add a Public Route", "Add a Service": "Add a Service", "Add a Translation Service": "Add a Translation Service", "Add a new Profile": "Add a new Profile", "Add an Account": "Add an Account", "Additional Bilingual Corpus for Alignment": "Additional Bilingual Corpus for Alignment", "Advanced Corpus Selection": "Advanced Corpus Selection", "Advanced Extraction Options": "Advanced Extraction Options", "Aggressive": "Aggressive", "All instances of the translation resource %(tr)s stopped on the node %(n)s": "All instances of the translation resource %(tr)s stopped on the node %(n)s", "AllLower": "AllLower", "Alternative Options for decoding": "Alternative Options for decoding", "Alternative Translation Frequency Ratio Threshold": "Alternative Translation Frequency Ratio Threshold", "Always": "Always", "Append to the dictionary %s": "Append to the dictionary %s", "BLEU": "BLEU", "Ban factor": "Ban factor", "Basic": "Basic", "Bilingual Corpus": "Bilingual Corpus", "Bonus for Cognate Alignment": "Bonus for Cognate Alignment", "Broker %s de-registered": "Broker %s de-registered", "Broker %s registered": "Broker %s registered", "CSLI engines customization": "CSLI engines customization", "Caching of the jade templates": "Caching of the jade templates", "Casing Mode": "Casing Mode", "Choose Profile Languages": "Choose Profile Languages", "Choose an option": "Choose an option", "Closed": "Closed", "Compare": "Compare", "Computing Node %s de-registered": "Computing Node %s de-registered", "Computing Node %s registered": "Computing Node %s registered", "Configure": "Configure", "Configure Service": "Configure Service", "Contact Support": "Contact Support", "Convert to a Translation Resource": "Convert to a Translation Resource", "Cookie max age": "Cookie max age", "Copy Service": "Copy Service", "Copy To Profile": "Copy To Profile", "Copy to Profile": "Copy to Profile", "Corpus %s deleted": "Corpus %s deleted", "Corpus %s partitionned": "Corpus %s partitionned", "Corpus %s renamed": "Corpus %s renamed", "Corpus %s uploaded": "Corpus %s uploaded", "Corpus Database Dump": "Corpus Database Dump", "Corpus Database Selection": "Corpus Database Selection", "Corpus Manager": "Corpus Manager", "Corpus Selection": "Corpus Selection", "Corpus vs. Linguistic Confidence": "Corpus vs. Linguistic Confidence", "Created By": "Created By", "Cube Pruning Pop Limit": "Cube Pruning Pop Limit", "Current Activity": "Current Activity", "Current Step": "Current Step", "Current Task Progress": "Current Task Progress", "Database Dump": "Database Dump", "Datatable": "Datatable", "Dct Indexer": "Dct Indexer", "Deactivate this option": "Deactivate this option", "Default Route to the translation resource %s added": "Default Route to the translation resource %s added", "Dependent Routes": "Dependent Routes", "Detail": "Detail", "Development": "Development", "Dictionary %s deleted": "Dictionary %s deleted", "Dictionary %s imported": "Dictionary %s imported", "Dictionary %s replaced": "Dictionary %s replaced", "Dictionary Domain": "Dictionary Domain", "Dictionary Id": "Dictionary ID", "Dictionary Name": "Dictionary Name", "Dispatcher %s de-registered": "Dispatcher %s de-registered", "Dispatcher %s registered": "Dispatcher %s registered", "Display alternative meanings": "Display alternative meanings", "Distortion Restriction": "Distortion Restriction", "Do Not Extract": "Do Not Extract", "Do you want to create this active profile for public ?": "Do you want to make this active profile public?", "Do you want to create this service for public ?": "Do you want to make this service public?", "Edit a Profile": "Edit a Profile", "Edit this option": "Edit this option", "Enforce Base Translation": "Enforce Base Translation", "Engine %s deleted": "Engine %s deleted", "Engine %s renamed": "Engine %s renamed", "Entity rules - Target language": "Entity rules - Target language", "Entries with Default Translation": "Entries with Default Translation", "Environment %s created": "Environment %s created", "Environment %s deleted": "Environment %s deleted", "Environment %s not found": "Environment %s not found", "Environment name %s invalid": "Environment name %s invalid", "Error when downloading the translation resource %s": "Error when downloading the translation resource %s", "Expert Extraction Options": "Expert Extraction Options", "Export Dictionary": "Export Dictionary", "Extract DNT": "Extract DNT", "Extract Entry with Non Validated Translations": "Extract Entry with Non Validated Translations", "Extract Terminology": "Extract Terminology", "Extraction Options": "Extraction Options", "Feedback Submitted": "Feedback Submitted", "File %s translated": "File %s translated", "Free + cached + buffers memory": "Free + cached + buffers memory", "GDict": "GDict", "GTM": "GTM", "Gateway": "Gateway", "Generate User Dictionary by Blocks": "Generate User Dictionary by Blocks", "Generate a new API key": "Generate a new API key", "HTTP settings": "HTTP settings", "Highlight green": "Highlight green", "Highlight orange": "Highlight orange", "Highlight pink": "Highlight pink", "Highlight red": "Highlight red", "Highlight yellow": "Highlight yellow", "Important!": "Important!", "In Progress": "In Progress", "In the text (display all alternative meanings)": "In the text (display all alternative meanings)", "In the text (display one alternative meaning)": "In the text (display one alternative meaning)", "In the text (display two alternative meanings)": "In the text (display two alternative meanings)", "Indicators": "Indicators", "Initial ban time": "Initial ban time", "Input Parameters": "Input Parameters", "Instance Id": "Instance Id", "Instance Status": "Instance Status", "Instance Type": "Instance Type", "Instance of the translation resource %(tr)s started on the node %(n)s": "Instance of the translation resource %(tr)s started on the node %(n)s", "Instance of the translation resource %(tr)s stopped on the node %(n)s": "Instance of the translation resource %(tr)s stopped on the node %(n)s", "Internal Option": "Internal Option", "Language License": "Language License", "Language Pack": "Language Pack", "Language Pairs": "Language Pairs", "Last Task Error Message": "Last Task Error Message", "Last Task Started": "Last Task Started", "Limit character size in translate box": "Limit character size in translate box", "Limited Resource Size": "Limited Resource Size", "Linguistic Resources": "Linguistic Resources", "Lookup Server": "Lookup Server", "Lower": "Lower", "Majority": "Majority", "Many-To-One": "Many-To-One", "Maximum ban time": "Maximum ban time", "Migrate all route to the new format.\\n**New Features**": "Migrate all routes to the new format.\\n**New Features**", "Minimal Frequency for Single Word Terminology": "Minimal Frequency for Single Word Terminology", "Minimal Frequency for Terminology": "Minimal Frequency for Terminology", "Name (optional)": "Name (optional)", "Nb of Instances": "Nb of Instances", "NbEntries": "Nb Entries", "New": "New", "New Service": "New Service", "New dictionary": "New dictionary", "New service %(sn)s created for the profile %(p)s": "New service %(sn)s created for the profile %(p)s", "Non Active": "Non Active", "Normalization": "Normalization", "Normalize Case": "Normalize Case", "Normalize Entities": "Normalize Entities", "Not Found Word marker": "Not Found Word marker", "Num requests": "Num requests", "Number of Alternative Translations": "Number of Alternative Translations", "Number of Trained Translation Units": "Number of Trained Translation Units", "Number of attempts after we ban for the maximum ban time": "Number of failed attempts until temporary ban", "Numeric": "Numeric", "Optional Profile Id": "Optional Profile Id", "Other expressions": "Other expressions", "Parallel Filtering Rules": "Parallel Filtering Rules", "Path of the CSLI configuration file template": "Path of the CSLI configuration file template", "Path of the CSLI description.cfg file template": "Path of the CSLI description.cfg file template", "Path of the CSLI post config script": "Path of the CSLI post config script", "Path of the CSLI run.cfg template": "Path of the CSLI run.cfg template", "Path of the configuration file template": "Path of the configuration file template", "Path of the description.cfg file template": "Path of the description.cfg file template", "Path of the post config script": "Path of the post config script", "Path of the run.cfg template": "Path of the run.cfg template", "Performance vs. Quality": "Performance vs. Quality", "Phrase Table Trimming": "Phrase Table Trimming", "Phrase Table Trimming Threshold": "Phrase Table Trimming Threshold", "Popup (for HTML only)": "Popup (for HTML only)", "Post-Editor": "Post-Editor", "Post-editor": "Post-editor", "Prep": "Prep", "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Policy", "Private DNS Name": "Private DNS Name", "Production": "Production", "Profile %(id)s renamed to %(n)s": "Profile %(id)s renamed to %(n)s", "Profile %(n)s %(id)s updated": "Profile %(n)s %(id)s updated", "Profile %s %s updated": "Profile %s %s updated", "Profile %s created": "Profile %s created", "Profile %s deleted": "Profile %s deleted", "Profile %s saved": "Profile %s saved", "Profile Id %(oid)s copied as new service \"%(sn)s\" for the build-in translator: Profile Id %(did)s": "Profile Id %(oid)s copied as new service \"%(sn)s\" for the build-in translator: Profile Id %(did)s", "Profile Id %(oid)s copied as new service \"%(sn)s\" for the profile %(pid)s: Profile Id %(rid)s": "Profile Id %(oid)s copied as new service \"%(sn)s\" for the profile %(pid)s: Profile Id %(rid)s", "Profile Name (optional)": "Profile Name (optional)", "Profile Ses": "Profile Ses", "Profiles Edition": "Profile Editing", "Progress": "Progress", "Protect Characters Class": "Protect Characters Class", "Public DNS Name": "Public DNS Name", "Public DNS name of the server": "Public DNS name of the server", "Publish Sentences": "Publish Sentences", "Reference": "Reference", "Refresh Rate": "Refresh Rate", "Regular": "Regular", "Rejected": "Rejected", "Remove": "Remove", "Replace": "Replace", "Reset option to the default value": "Reset option to the default value", "Resolved": "Resolved", "Review and manage translations": "Review and manage translations", "Revoke": "Revoke", "Route to the translation resource %s added": "Route to the translation resource %s added", "Routing Server %s de-registered": "Routing Server %s de-registered", "Routing Server %s registered": "Routing Server %s registered", "SES Console": "SES Console", "SES File Translation Consumer": "SES File Translation Consumer", "SPE marker": "SPE marker", "SYSTRAN 8 Translator is not activated": "SYSTRAN 8 Translator is not activated", "SYSTRAN 8 Translator is not yet activated. Go to ": "SYSTRAN 8 Translator is not yet activated. Go to ", "SYSTRAN Desktop": "SYSTRAN Desktop", "SYSTRAN Enterprise Server Installer": "SYSTRAN Enterprise Server Installer", "SYSTRAN Language Manager": "SYSTRAN Language Manager", "SYSTRAN License Manager": "SYSTRAN License Manager", "SYSTRAN © 2014 All rights reserved": "SYSTRAN © 2016 All rights reserved", "SYSTRAN © 2015 All rights reserved": "SYSTRAN © 2016 All rights reserved", "Save Options": "Save Options", "Score": "Score", "Search Feedbacks": "Search Feedbacks", "Select a Built-In Translator": "Select a Built-In Translator", "Selectors : ": "Selectors : ", "Self Registration": "Self Registration", "Service \"%(sn)s\" with the Profile Id %(pid)s deleted": "Service \"%(sn)s\" with the Profile Id %(pid)s deleted", "Service %s added": "Service %s added", "Set as default": "Set as default", "Some options below cannot be edited directly, but rather can be modified via the \"Pencil\" button. Click on the \"Reset\" button for the options to be reset to default values. Please note that the current values displayed are examples rather than default values": "Some options below cannot be edited directly, but rather can be modified via the \"Pencil\" button. Click on the \"Reset\" button for the options to be reset to default values. Please note that the current values displayed are examples rather than default values", "Source Locale": "Source Locale", "Source locale": "Source locale", "Stack": "Stack", "Staging": "Staging", "Start an instance on this node": "Start an instance on this node", "Started %(nb)d instances of the translation resource %(tr)s on the computing node %(cn)s": "Started %(nb)d instances of the translation resource %(tr)s on the computing node %(cn)s", "Stop": "Stop", "Stop all": "Stop all", "Stop an instance on this node": "Stop an instance on this node", "Stopped %(nb)d instances of the translation resource %(tr)s from the computing nodes %(cn)s": "Stopped %(nb)d instances of the translation resource %(tr)s from the computing nodes %(cn)s", "Submitted At": "Submitted At", "SystranCodingEngine settings": "SystranCodingEngine settings", "SystranDictProxy settings": "SystranDictProxy settings", "TER": "TER", "TM Indexer": "TM Indexer", "TRS Console": "TRS Console", "Target Locale": "Target Locale", "Target locale": "Target locale", "Terminology Extraction Quality vs. Quantity": "Terminology Extraction Quality vs. Quantity", "Testing Corpus": "Testing Corpus", "Text Only (no HTML)": "Text Only (no HTML)", "Text only in translate box": "Text only in translate box", "Textual marker:***": "Textual marker:***", "Textual marker:+++": "Textual marker:+++", "Textual marker:---": "Textual marker:---", "Textual marker:===": "Textual marker:===", "Them Product Key": "Product Key", "Throughput (word/sec)": "Throughput (word/sec)", "Throughput (words/sec)": "Throughput (words/sec)", "Timeout request in TranslateBox": "Timeout request in TranslateBox", "Tm Indexer": "Tm Indexer", "Total Number Of Tasks": "Total Number Of Tasks", "Train on Unique Translation Units": "Train on Unique Translation Units", "Translation Memory marker": "Translation Memory marker", "Translation Profiles": "Translation Profiles", "Translation Resource Id": "Translation Resource ID", "Translation resource %(tr)s installed on the node %(n)s": "Translation resource %(tr)s installed on the node %(n)s", "Translation resource %(tr)s uninstalled on the node %(n)s": "Translation resource %(tr)s uninstalled on the node %(n)s", "Tuning Corpus": "Tuning Corpus", "Tuning Metric": "Tuning Metric", "Tuning Options": "Tuning Options", "Type Of Last Task": "Type Of Last Task", "Unable to add a Default Route to the translation resource %s": "Unable to add a Default Route to the translation resource %s", "Unable to add a Route to the translation resource %s": "Unable to add a Route to the translation resource %s", "Unable to add the account %s": "Unable to add the account %s", "Unable to add the service %s": "Unable to add the service %s", "Unable to append to the dictionary %s": "Unable to append to the dictionary %s", "Unable to copy the profile id %(oid)s to create new service \"%(sn)s\" with profile Id %(did)s: %(err)s": "Unable to copy the profile id %(oid)s to create the new service \"%(sn)s\" with profile Id %(did)s: %(err)s", "Unable to create a new service \"%(sn)s\" for the built-in translator: %(err)s": "Unable to create the new service \"%(sn)s\" for the built-in translator: %(err)s", "Unable to create a new service %(sn)s for the profile %(p)s: %(err)s": "Unable to create the new service %(sn)s for the profile %(p)s: %(err)s", "Unable to create a new service %s for the profile %s: %s": "Unable to create new service %s for the profile %s: %s", "Unable to create a profile %s": "Unable to create profile %s", "Unable to create a translation resource from profile %s": "Unable to create a translation resource from profile %s", "Unable to create an environment %s": "Unable to create an environment %s", "Unable to create the virtual corpus %s": "Unable to create the virtual corpus %s", "Unable to de-register the Computing Node %s": "Unable to de-register the Computing Node %s", "Unable to de-register the Dispatcher %s": "Unable to de-register the Dispatcher %s", "Unable to de-register the Routing Server %s": "Unable to de-register the Routing Server %s", "Unable to de-register the broker %s": "Unable to de-register the broker %s", "Unable to delete service \"%(sn)s\" with the Profile Id %(pid)s": "Unable to delete service \"%(sn)s\" with the Profile Id %(pid)s", "Unable to delete the corpus %s": "Unable to delete the corpus %s", "Unable to delete the dictionary %s": "Unable to delete the dictionary %s", "Unable to delete the engine %s": "Unable to delete the engine %s", "Unable to delete the environment %s": "Unable to delete the environment %s", "Unable to delete the profile %s": "Unable to delete the profile %s", "Unable to drop the environment %s": "Unable to drop the environment %s", "Unable to export %s": "Unable to export %s", "Unable to export result of %s": "Unable to export result of %s", "Unable to find any running dispatcher": "Unable to find any running dispatcher", "Unable to find xliff content %s": "Unable to find xliff content %s", "Unable to get translation resources from db": "Unable to get translation resources from db", "Unable to get translation result of %s": "Unable to get translation result of %s", "Unable to get xliff content identified by %s": "Unable to get xliff content identified by %s", "Unable to getDispatcher to translate %s": "Unable to getDispatcher to translate %s", "Unable to getFileInfo to export %s": "Unable to getFileInfo to export %s", "Unable to getFileInfo to post-editor %s": "Unable to getFileInfo to post-editor %s", "Unable to getSentences to post-editor %s": "Unable to getSentences to post-editor %s", "Unable to import the dictionary %s": "Unable to import the dictionary %s", "Unable to install the translation resource %(tr)s on the node %(n)s": "Unable to install the translation resource %(tr)s on the node %(n)s", "Unable to make request correctly %s": "Unable to make request correctly %s", "Unable to open an environment %s": "Unable to open an environment %s", "Unable to parse xliff content %s": "Unable to parse xliff content %s", "Unable to parse xliff content identified by %s": "Unable to parse xliff content identified by %s", "Unable to partition the corpus %s": "Unable to partition the corpus %s", "Unable to post-editor %s": "Unable to post-editor %s", "Unable to read file %s": "Unable to read file %s", "Unable to read file content %s": "Unable to read file content %s", "Unable to read xliff content %s": "Unable to read xliff content %s", "Unable to receive correctly xliff content for fileId %s": "Unable to receive correctly xliff content for fileId %s", "Unable to receive response %s": "Unable to receive response %s", "Unable to register the Computing Node %s": "Unable to register the Computing Node %s", "Unable to register the Dispatcher %s": "Unable to register the Dispatcher %s", "Unable to register the Routing Server %s": "Unable to register the Routing Server %s", "Unable to register the broker %s": "Unable to register the broker %s", "Unable to rename the corpus %s": "Unable to rename the corpus %s", "Unable to rename the engine %s": "Unable to rename the engine %s", "Unable to rename the profile %(id)s to %(n)s": "Unable to rename the profile %(id)s to %(n)s", "Unable to replace the dictionary %s": "Unable to replace the dictionary %s", "Unable to save a profile %s": "Unable to save a profile %s", "Unable to save dictionary %s": "Unable to save dictionary %s", "Unable to save profile": "Unable to save profile", "Unable to save result of %s": "Unable to save result of %s", "Unable to save xliff content for %s": "Unable to save xliff content for %s", "Unable to saveSentences from xliff content %s": "Unable to saveSentences from xliff content %s", "Unable to start %(nb)d instances of the translation resource %(tr)s": "Unable to start %(nb)d instances of the translation resource %(tr)s", "Unable to start %d instances of the translation resource %s": "Unable to start %d instances of the translation resource %s", "Unable to start an instance of the translation resource %(tr)s on the node %(n)s": "Unable to start an instance of the translation resource %(tr)s on the node %(n)s", "Unable to stop %(nb)d instances of the translation resource %(tr)s: %(err)s": "Unable to stop %(nb)d instances of the translation resource %(tr)s: %(err)s", "Unable to stop all instances of the translation resource %(tr)s on the node %(n)s": "Unable to stop all instances of the translation resource %(tr)s on the node %(n)s", "Unable to stop an instance of the translation resource %(tr)s on the node %(n)s": "Unable to stop an instance of the translation resource %(tr)s on the node %(n)s", "Unable to submit Feedback": "Unable to submit Feedback", "Unable to translate file %s": "Unable to translate file %s", "Unable to uninstall the translation resource %(tr)s on the node %(n)s": "Unable to uninstall the translation resource %(tr)s on the node %(n)s", "Unable to update a sentence %s": "Unable to update a sentence %s", "Unable to update the profile %s": "Unable to update the profile %s", "Uninstall the translation resource from this node": "Uninstall the translation resource from this node", "Update": "Update", "Update Instances": "Update Instances", "Update a Dictionary": "Update a Dictionary", "Upload Dictionary": "Upload Dictionary", "Upload a new source file": "Upload a new source file", "Use Built-in Translators": "Use Built-in Translators", "Use SYSTRAN Alternative Meanings": "Use SYSTRAN Alternative Meanings", "Use Stemming for Alignment": "Use Stemming for Alignment", "User Dictionary Protection": "User Dictionary Protection", "User Dictionary marker": "User Dictionary marker", "User information and preferences": "User information and preferences", "Verify your service integrator status and make sure your license is activated !": "Verify your service integrator status and make sure your license is activated!", "View Input Parameters": "View Input Parameters", "Views": "Views", "Virtual Corpus %s created": "Virtual Corpus %s created", "Visit the ": "Visit the ", "Volume Id": "Volume Id", "WER": "WER", "XML": "XML", "accountId": "accountId", "dct": "dct", "dic": "dic", "dict folder": "dict folder", "edit dict path": "edit dict path", "multiterm": "multiterm", "path": "path", "sec": "sec", "tbx": "tbx", "xml": "xml", "Some options below are not active by default, you can activate and modify them by using \"Unlock\" buttons. Note that, these current values are used as examples but NOT as default value!": "Some options below are not active by default, you can activate and modify them by using the \"Unlock\" buttons. PPlease note that the current values displayed are examples rather than default values.", "This table contains the selected profiles from above table. That represents steps for the new pivot profile": "This table contains the selected profiles from the above table representing the steps for the new pivot profile", "Upgrade implicitly all filtered translation resources to their latest version.": "Upgrade implicitly all filtered translation resources to their latest version.", "Choose translation setting and click on \"%s\" to select the files to translate. Once translation finished, click on the download button to retrieve your translated file.": "Choose translation settings and click on \"%s\" to select the files to translate. Once the translation finishes, click on the download button to retrieve your translated file.", "Drag the Button link below to your Bookmarks Toolbar.": "Drag the Button link below to your Bookmarks Toolbar.", "Drag the browser button link into the Bookmarks Toolbar.": "Drag the browser button link into the Bookmarks Toolbar.", "Select a text while visiting a page then click the bookmarklet. The selected text will be translated.": "Select a text while visiting a page and then click the bookmarklet. The selected text will be translated.", "Visit any page then click the bookmarklet. The page will be translated.": "Visit any page and then click the bookmarklet. The page will be translated.", " to activate it.": " to activate it.", " to sign up for an account and start receiving the latest updates.": " to sign up for an account and start receiving the latest updates.", "Corpus vs. Linguistic Confidence": "Corpus vs. Linguistic Confidence", "Migrate all route to the new format.\\n**New Features**": "Migrate all routes to the new format.\\n**New Features**", "Path of the CSLI description.cfg file template": "Path of the CSLI description.cfg file template", "Path of the CSLI run.cfg template": "Path of the CSLI run.cfg template", "Path of the description.cfg file template": "Path of the description.cfg file template", "Path of the run.cfg template": "Path of the run.cfg template", "Performance vs. Quality": "Performance vs. Quality", "SYSTRAN 8 Translator is not yet activated. Go to ": "SYSTRAN 8 Translator is not yet activated. Go to ", "Some options below cannot be edited directly, but rather can be modified via the \"Pencil\" button. Click on the \"Reset\" button for the options to be reset to default values. Please note that the current values displayed are examples rather than default values": "Some options below cannot be edited directly, but rather can be modified via the \"Pencil\" button. Click on the \"Reset\" button for the options to be reset to default values. Please note that the current values displayed are examples rather than default values", "Terminology Extraction Quality vs. Quantity": "Terminology Extraction Quality vs. Quantity", "Speech Post Editing Toolkit": "Speech Post Editing Toolkit", "Post Editing Toolkit": "Post Editing Toolkit", "Profile Configuration (Access list)": "Profile Configuration (Access list)", "Profile Configuration (self)": "Profile Configuration (self)", "Profile Configuration (public)": "Profile Configuration (public)", "List - Users, Groups and Roles": "List - Users, Groups and Roles", "Push profile to TRS Local": "Push profile to TRS Local", "View notifications": "View notifications", "View information": "View information", "View help": "View help", "Feedback Manager": "Feedback Manager", "Resources (Access List) - Translation Engines": "Resources (Access List) - Translation Engines", "Resources (Access List) - Dictionaries": "Resources (Access List) - Dictionaries", "Resources (Access List) - Translation Memories": "Resources (Access List) - Translation Memories", "Resources (Access List) - Translation Choices": "Resources (Access List) - Translation Choices", "Resources (Access List) - Translation Stylesheets": "Resources (Access List) - Translation Stylesheets", "Resources (Access List) - Entity Rules": "Resources (Access List) - Entity Rules", "Resources - Translation Engines": "Resources - Translation Engines", "Resources - Dictionaries": "Resources - Dictionaries", "Resources - Translation Memories": "Resources - Translation Memories", "Resources - Translation Choices": "Resources - Translation Choices", "Resources - Translation Stylesheets": "Resources - Translation Stylesheets", "Resources - Entity Rules": "Resources - Entity Rules", "Admin - Advanced Configuration": "Admin - Advanced Configuration", "Admin - Users, Groups and Roles": "Admin - Users, Groups and Roles", "Admin - Statistics": "Admin - Statistics", "Admin - Monitoring": "Admin - Monitoring", "Admin - API keys": "Admin - API keys", "Admin - Localization": "Admin - Localization", "Admin - Settings": "Admin - Settings", "Admin - Information": "Admin - Information", "Admin - Translation Resource Store": "Admin - Translation Resource Store", "Admin - Licenses": "Admin - Licenses", "To initiate the password define process for your": "To initiate the password define process for your", "SYSTRAN Pure Neural® Server Account, click the link below:": "SYSTRAN Pure Neural® Server Account, click the link below:", "If you've received this mail in error, it's likely that another user entered your email address by mistake while trying to define a password. If you didn't initiate the request, you don't need to take any further action and can safely disregard this email.": "If you've received this mail in error, it's likely that another user entered your email address by mistake while trying to define a password. If you didn't initiate the request, you don't need to take any further action and can safely disregard this email.", "Note: This email address cannot accept replies. To fix an issue or learn more about your account, contact our support team: ": "Note: This email address cannot accept replies. To fix an issue or learn more about your account, contact our support team: ", "http://www.systransoft.com/contact/support": "http://www.systransoft.com/contact/support" }